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Container Tilters: An Introduction for Manufacturers

Container tilters are material handling equipment (MHE) that position loads at an angle, providing enormous ergonomic benefits for workers. That means more productivity. For manufacturers, a single container tilter can deliver a return on investment in a matter of months.

Container Tilters: An Introduction for Manufacturers

Solus Group carries a range of Tilt Tables that offer precise positioning, high capacities, and exceptional durability. Below, we’ll explain how Tilt Tables can fit in at virtually any manufacturing facility — and provide a few tips for finding the right MHE for your operation.

Improving Ergonomics with Container Tilters

Tilt Tables raise loads at an angle, usually using hydraulics, and keep the load steady as the operator works. The benefits of working at an angle should be obvious; if workers are handling small or disparate parts, angled access allows them to work quickly. 

Why not use static positioners to keep products at a set angle? For starters, the work may change as the shift goes on. As the worker makes their way towards the bottom of a container, they’ll need to reach farther to get to the next part — unless they're working with a powered tilter. 

Over time, container tilters can provide an ROI in several ways:

  • Improving ergonomics will lead to fewer work-related injuries. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) represent one-third of all workers' compensation cases, costing employers billions of dollars per year.
  • A properly designed workspace can improve employee engagement and facilitate higher throughput.
  • Ergonomic positioning enables a wide range of workers to handle key tasks, regardless of their physical characteristics. 
  • Container tilters can be integrated easily into existing manufacturing lines to feed conveyors or to keep loads positioned for individual workers. With some customization, you can easily build a material handling strategy that meets your operation’s specific needs.

For detailed information about the benefits of ergonomics, read: Industrial Ergonomics and Material Handling Equipment.  

Key Features for Tilters in Manufacturing

Container tilters are worth the investment, provided that you research your purchase. Here are a few important features to consider. Container Tilters

  • Capacity - Tilt Tables can support capacities ranging from several hundred to 6,000 pounds via low-maintenance hydraulic cylinders.
  • Container Size and Tilt Angles - Solus Group’s container tilters serve a range of applications, from ground-level positioning to mobile Gaylord dumping. Custom options are available for containers of unconventional sizes or shapes. 
  • Mobility - Tilters may be mobile or static, depending on the application. Mobile options from Solus Group include the Powered Mobile Lift & Tilt Table with EZ-Roll casters for effortless maneuverability. 
  • Durability - All Solus Group Tilt Tables and work positioners are made with heavy-duty steel, powder coated for reliable durability in virtually any work environment. 
  • Safety - For applications that require heavy lifting, tilters should have features like thermal overload protection and velocity fuses for optimal safety.

Solus Group carries Tilt Tables that reinforce strong ergonomic practices while providing the flexibility that employers need to integrate tilters into a manufacturing line.

With extensive customization capabilities for all units, we’re ready to help you find solutions for your operation. To explore options, contact Solus Group online or call 314-696-0200 to speak with a member of our sales team.